PippiRabbit's New Modified Logo

1:53 PM artcher 0 Comments

I've finally decided to print the new logo for my bag's label when I finish using the last one of the previous design. Why the change? because the last logo separated the word into 'PIPPI' 'Rabbit' which causes a bit of confusion when stranger tries to spell it out into PIPPIRabbit which should be PippiRabbit, and i must admit it's my mistake..**shame shame.

The new logo font is still handwritten by using my stylus, digitally of course. So it's a unique logo font. It's not conform to the usual stereo typing rules that logo should be simple and clear so as to establish a define and clear branding image to the mass public as what we all learn in art school and always insisted by the average clients. For my logo, I want it to represent a very personal handmade style, a design label that only speaks to individual who tries to understand and appreciate the style; just as the words only makes sense if you tries to 'read' it otherwise it appears as a mess of scribbles. Standing and admiring something from a distant are for the superfi-rians (I made up the word)  who wants to keep up with the average and the trend, standing afar makes them see what everybody is doing so as to follow so. PippiRabbit just want to live on the edge and enjoy her carrot.