Etsy Made Local 2017

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PippiRabbit participated in Etsy Made Local 2017 in Singapore from 25-27 Nov 2017. It was a curated event, so we were very lucky to be selected as one of the lucky vendor.

I usually try to avoid outdoor selling booth because Singapore's weather is very unpredictable with occasional rain as and when it likes. But because it was organised by Etsy, I really want to try it out this time.

It was a very well organised event, thanks to the organising team which some of them are vendor themselves. The layout of the site are well separated and balance, allowing every booth to have a fairly equal exposure. They even give out free tote bag to customer if their total expenditure exceed a certain amount. The visiting crowds are average..not too busy or too quiet.. and I did manage to sell enough to cover for my 3 days rental fee and left over for profit! Yeah. My only regret is I wish I had more things to sell. And I also wish I had brought big plastic sheets to cover my products when it rain on one of the occasion. The site located at Capitol Piazza actually has a very high shelter on top of us but it was quite useless... Anyway, it was a great experience, I'm happy with the outcome. :)